Jasper is a variety of opaque chalcedony (kind of quartz, with large granulation). The name comes from the Greek iaspis – meaning “agate”. Worldwide available in many different colors – yellow, green, brown, purple, blue and red. Very often found in mixed colors and patterns, spotted, speckled, stripped or iridescent. It is known with different names – mookaite, brecciated jasper, picture jasper, orbicular jasper, Picasso jasper, sesame jasper, heliotrope and Kambaba jasper. Because of its beauty jasper have been loved and used since the ancient times for making jewelry and ornamental items. People wore it as talisman and protection from evil eye. It is believed that jasper represents eternal youth, renewal, and revelation. Good for yin/yang balance.
Worldwide available , but biggest deposits are found in India, Africa, South/North America, Russia and France.
Jasper keeps your spirit up and helps you to achieve your goals.
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